- Find a Bible that you like; the version that suits your reading style.
- Do the assigned reading each day
(3-4 chapters) - The readings are organised in 7 day chunks to help us stay focused and goal oriented.
- Keep track of your streaks and challenge yourself to improve each week
- When you follow this plan, you will have read the entire Bible in 365 days.
- You will then be in that elite 6% Club of which ALL Christians need to belong.
- Every member of Crossroads Youth who joins the 6% Club after reading the entire Bible receives a free hoodie and t-shirt!

- Pick a time each day to read/listen to your bible and stick with it! Be disciplined.
- Pray for God to fill you with His Holy Spirit and lead you into His truth before each reading.
- The goal is to build habits and discipline each day.
- If you miss a day or even a week, that’s ok. Don't try and catch up, just start on the current day's reading and keep going!
- Hi-Lite and write in your Bibles as the Holy Spirit speaks to you.
- Keep track of your streaks and tag us on social media.
- Follow us on Crossroads Youth Instagram and Crossroads Youth Facebook for posts of encouragement and insight!

Bible Reading Tracker
Here is a copy for you to download and keep digitally or to print and mark as your own. Use it every day to visually mark your progress !
Download6% Club Members
Aly C.
Abigail M.
Elijah J.
Aundrea N.
Sydney H.
Adam H.